Escola Sant Josep
Sant Josep School is a center of education for early childhood and primary education in Terrassa. It includes levels of: nursery, preschool and primary education and has a total of 300 students. The main pillars of our centre are: emotional education, English learning and the use of new technologies. The center is of a single line and the groups are divided for an improved teaching performance. The center is part of a plurilingual project of linguistic immersion in the English language. One third of the subjects and of the school timetable is taught in the English language as a vehicular language including extracurricular subjects. In addition, the center has a wide variety of technological resources such as laptops, i-pads, digital and interactive whiteboards, etc. In the preschool we use the play as the basis for learning. We strongly believe in learning through experiencing. The children are provided with a magical learning experience, a range of activities, such as symbolic games, maths workshops, learning corners with mixed groups of different ages. The school puts emphasis on the new ways to make learning more profitable, trying to give children the stimulating, educational learning environment in which they can thrive and grow. In our school we value the students' learning in a real and contextualized way and our objective is that our students know the wide range of possibilities offered by new technologies in our day to day and in the learning process. For all these reasons 3 years ago our center got recognized as a PIPE school and thanks to the Comenius, Erasmus + and Twinning projects with other schools, as well as the presentation to the Trinity official exams, currently 70% of the teachers of our center have knowledge of English language and/or is being trained in the learning of this language.