The University of Linköping

Linköping University (LiU) is one of Sweden’s larger academic institutions, a research based university known for excellence in education. LiU has four faculties: Arts and Sciences, Educational Sciences, Health Sciences, and Technology located on three different campuses with 14 multidisciplinary departments. The university has 27 000 undergraduate students, 1400 doctoral students and 3900 employees (almost 400 full professors) and 160 study programmes. LiU provides a comprehensive teacher education and offers postgraduate training as well as opportunities for research within Educational Sciences. Teacher training is available for all levels of the Swedish school and pre-school system. Almost all of the subject areas are represented, such as mathematics, natural and social sciences, modern languages, special needs education, basic skills in reading, writing andmathematics, outdoor education, crafts, pedagogics and subject didactics.
Within the Faculty of Educational Sciences, research on teaching and learning is carried out from several perspectives. Research is linked to undergraduate education and deals with child, youth and adult learning, as well as teaching at all levels from pre-school to university. A cross-subject, interdisciplinary thematic approach characterizes the research at Linköping University.

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